Thursday, February 28, 2013

What the hell is this?

So the popped up an image over on Matt Wilson's twitter and from the looks of it, it's clearly a troll.

However the troll community has a mention of this possibly being the Black Troll that wonders around eating zombies for left behind.  Could this possibly be a Minion model instead of a Trollbloods?  Could it be possible for a dual faction single model release?

All I know is my first reaction when I saw this was.  If I get this model I have to paint it up a Demon.  The tongue just screams Gene Simmons

Monday, February 18, 2013

Scrum's Painting Challenge II - Results

Been a crazy month and forgot to post up the final results of the Trollblood Scrum Painting Challenge II.  Here is the link:

I look forward to the TrollScrum Podcast crew doing this again.  Always good to get your models out there and test your abilities against others.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IFL 2nd Quarter - High Stakes 40K Tournament and Cook-Out

Spreading the word about my NoVA based gaming groups tournament.  We are hoping to run many events this year and make 2013 a strong year for us.  Not all events will be 40K related as we are a gaming group just getting into Warmachine as well.  If you want to join the conversations you can find us on our forums at  

Original Post can be found here:

Are you good at 40K? Willing to put your money were your mouth is?
    Come out to the IFL High Stakes 40K Tourney and Cook-Out

So here is the format (borrowed from Brent at the Inner Circle):
There is a $20 buy-in for the event (includes lunch). Each game you play has a $10 dollar gift card riding on it ($5 from each player's buy-in) and each wins $5 if you tie - the rest of the buy-in ($5 per player) will go to the prize pool. At the end of three rounds the pool (plus 10% for prize support) will be divided between three winners at the end of the day, Overall, Best General, and Best Painted.
Date: April 13th Saturday
Venue: Game Vault
[ 6328 Five Mile Centre Park #414, Fredericksburg, VA 22407]
(540) 785-4263 
Start time: 10:30 AM
Entry Fee: $20 (includes cook-out style lunch)

Friday, February 1, 2013

TempleCon 2013 Announcement: New Faction - Convergence of Cyriss

So the new faction was announced at TempleCon 2013 and it is to be another Warmachine Faction called the Convergence of Cyriss.   The linked video at the top will show you the preview specifically for them.  So finer points of what you can extract from the video are:

  • When Warjacks (called Vectors) spend focus you can place that when spent allocate the spent focus to other near by Vectors
  • Vectors in a battlegroup share the MAT and RAT of their warcasters
  • Warcasters give something to jacks in battlegroup via their individual Field Marshal Ability. (ex. Arc Node and shield guard)
Lets see.  Knee jerk reaction: