Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 2013 - MD - Titan Games & Hobbies Steamroller Tournament Review

Just returning off of a Warmachine/Hordes tournament this past Saturday, and had a great time.  We put a call out and 7 of the Woodbridge crew answered.  Piling into two cars we drove up for an hour and a half to Titan Games & Hobbies in Timonium, Maryland.  The format was pretty standard and with a 16 player field we ended up playing 4 games total to give us a single 4 and 0 player.

The Tournament
System: Warmachine/Hordes Steamroller Tournament
Point Value: 50pt. - 2 List - Divide & Conquer (1) - Deathclock
Where: Titan Games & Hobbies (Lutherville, MD)
Date: Sat, November 23th,  2013
Time: Registration: 10:30 - Start Time: 11:00

It was a long day getting started slightly later then announced and each round having a pair of games go down to both players using their full hour clock (Myself being one of them on two rounds), the night went on till about 8pm.  This would not have been to much of an issue (almost expected) if it was to be a local tournament, but since we were an hour and a half away from home base we were in for a long drive home.  Silver lining on the drive home I got to talk to one of the better players of our group and we discussed my lists and play style and our meta, was a real eye opening experience (mean while Mike and Boyoo were sitting in the back sawing logs).

The results of the tournament were:

1st place: Chris (Protectorate of Menoth)
2nd place: Andy (Khador)
3rd place: Herman (Protectorate of Menoth)
4: Boyo (Circle Orboros)
5: Kevin (Legion of Everblight)
6: Sheridan (Cryx)
7: Jason (Khador)
8: Curtis (Khador)
9: Fred (Cryx)
10: Brett (Trollbloods)
11: Michael (Convergence of Cyriss)
12: Pokey (Protectorate of Menoth)
13: Michael (Cygnar)
14: Joe (Retribution of Scyrah)
15 Turn 2 drop
16. Turn 3 drop

The Games
As you can see the field was pretty heavy on the Warmachine front and even more so on the Cryx and Menoth selection.  From my experience is not to uncommon for both the Maryland meta as well as the National Meta.  My own personnal games were are follows:

Game 1: P-Thagrosh vs. Vlad 2 (Win on Scenario)
Game 2: E-Vayl vs. Reznik (Win on Assasination)
Game 3: E-Vayle vs. Vlad 2 (Loss on Assasination)
Game 3: P-Thagrosh vs. P-Baldur (Loss on Assasination)

Special Thanks
Thanks going out to Tony (PG Trigger) for running a great tournament out of a great store.  If you read this and live near the store I highly recommend you going out and seeing all that Titan has to offer.

1924 Greenspring Drive
Lutherville, MD 21093 US
(410) 453-0300

Post Tournament Reflections
I have a lot to think about from these games and the discussions I had on the way back home.  I know i love my Thagrosh list and it needs a little tweaking but I think I am going to start benching E-Vayl for a try and a new caster.  I will still keep her around so others in my group can have practice runs against her abilities, but I'm not so sure she is my warlock of choice.

Whats up next
Next tournament is going to be a Foodmachin on the 14th, I will be missing the one of the 7th in Ashburn due to both my Son and Wife's birthdays are that weekend (that is a dead man's wish to miss those).

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