Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Giving some love to the Motherland

Putting some more work into my Warmachine Khador army.  I have to say my first love of this army was when I went to one of my local gaming stores and when talking to a already playing Warmachine gamer he gave me a taste of what each faction did.  When he said "Khador is all about being big and bad and stomping across the field to punch you in the face....HARD!"  I was sold.

Picked myself up the plastic box set and started to go to work.  Being one of those people who has to do things different I came up with a different paint scheme then the regular Red on red with some more red and added in my love for Ork 40K checker patterns.

My first go around was my juggernaught followed shortly by my destroyer.

Things were working out as I had imagined them and even though I wasn't a huge fan of Scorcha or her model look I gave her a painting too.  Then Wrath rolled out and I was exposed to my true love of a warcaster Harkevich

I have the upgrade parts for a Black Ivan but I am currently waiting for my brother to commit to getting the 2 army starter box set (he was going to take the Menoth I would just add to my Khador). 

But as I write article a odd thing is happening.  My interest is shifting.  I won't say I am falling out of love with Khador, the orginal statement that got me interested in them is holding true.  It's all this Dominon and Plastic Warbeast talk though has got me thinking if Hordes is more my fancy.  One of the good things about Warmachine/Hordes is I can start two armies at once and don't have to feel like I am just shelling out hundreds of dollars to keep up on both like I do with my 4 Warhammer 40k armies.  I guess only time will tell.

I asked around with the group at IFL in Woodbridge, VA and there is very little real interest (anything beyond "Yeah maybe down the line after my next 40K army") which puts a damper on me getting any real time in on the game to see what parts I like.  I have seen two guys play each other now and agani in the shop but by the time I get there thier ending thier game and packing up.  There are other stores in the area that have groups that play but do so on Wed and Thur, both days I already have things taking up my time.  So frustrating some times, just not enough time in a week to get all your wargaming nick fits in.

How do you get your group/friends/etc. involved in something you want to try if they are not really interested like you are?  Do you bench your intrest till one day they might?  Or do you say good bye and move on to others who do?

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