Monday, January 30, 2012

TempleCon - Hoooooooooo!

So it's official.  Or at least as official as you can get after already paying for your ticket.  I got my Templecon pass in the mail last weekend (praying I don't loss it before I get there) and I submitted my 2K Necron list for the Onslaught tournament to the organizer.  Now I just need to finish painting up all these Crons in time to get into the IFL Bus heading north on Friday morning at 8am.  List is below:


HQ = 990
HQ 1 : Nemesor Zahndrekh = 185 pts w/ Command Barge w/ Gauss Cannon (80)

Free HQ: Vargard Obyron (160)

**Zahndrekh's Court**
Necron Lord (35), Warscythe (10), Mindscarab (15) = 60
Cryptek (25), E-Lance (10), Solar Pulse (20) = 55
Cryptek (25), E-Lance (10) = 35
Cryptek (25), E-Lance (10) = 35

HQ 2: Overlord (90) w/ Warscythe (10), Mindscarabs (15) = 115 w/ Command Barge w/ Gauss Cannon (80)

**Overlord's Royal Court**
Necron Lord (35), Warscythe (10), Mindscarab (15) = 60
Cryptek (25), E-Lance (10), Solar Pulse (20) = 55
Cryptek (25), E-Lance (10) = 35
Cryptek (25), E-Lance (10) = 35

Troops = 300Immortal (17) w/ Tesla Carbines (0) x 5 = 85
Immortal (17) w/ Tesla Carbines (0) x 5 = 85
Warrior (13) x 5 = 65
Warrior (13) x 5 = 65

Fast Attacks = 410
Scarab (15) x 8 = 120
Wraith (35) x 4 w/ 2 Whips (20) & 1 Particle Caster (5) = 165
Wraith (35) x 3 w/ 2 Whips (20) = 125

Heavy Support = 295Annihalation Barge w/ Gauss Cannon (90)
Annihalation Barge w/ Gauss Cannon (90)
Canoptek Spyder (50) x 2 w/ 1 Gloom Prism (15) = 115

Total: 1995
Standard game set up:
1 Rokkit-tek per court goes into the 2 warrior squads and 1 Immortal squad.  The other immortal squad gets the 2 Necron Lords and Zahndrekh.  Obyron steals Zahn's barge and goes palling around with his Overlord BFF in the other barge.  The Zahn, Double Lord, Immortal pack is bodyguard for the Rokkit-tek squads  Should someone assault that squad they will have to deal with 3 Warscythes, 2 Mindscarabs and a ress orb, that should the unit survive the charge turn will be veiling out the next turn.  Wraiths play defense walls, Barges play mop up crew.

Order of shooting is:
Rokkit Teks on vehicles > Teslas on creamy fillings

Weakness of this list:
1. Close Combat.....well duh
2. Small troop size 7 Necrons (5 + 2 teks) won't last long in cc, so objective hold/contesting will be diffcult should they face strong assaults.  But this is also an advantage.  Nothing sucks more then not being able to shoot assaulty elements because 1 guy lived through combat.
3. AV 13-14.  This list will struggle against a landraider rush list.  The only real answer to Landraiders is Nemesor giving tank hunter to a Rokkit Court (aka not putting them in warrior squads) and shot 3 Str 9 shots and pray.  Yes barges can sweep landraiders for Str 7 + 2d6 but the application of them in such a way as the sweep does not leave whatever is inside the raider able to charge next turn is alot more difficult then one would think.

Time will tell, for now, back to painting

1 comment:

Tao said...

Crons list pulled a 1 win, 1 draw, 3 Loss over 2 days. The HQ specila character list was to HQ points heavy (with no great ability effiency) and had huge mobility issues. Back to the drawing board.

Over all the actuall event itself was amazing. Well worth the 8 hour drive and the hotel we stayed at (the overflow hotel) was great. This will be one Con I am going to have to return too.