Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2K Necrons List

So I play my armies a bit aggressive.  Not so much aggressive in the sense of spending two rounds to get in CC and trying to stay there all game like some assault armies, but more aggressive in the sense of not sitting back and shooting till you are forced to assault.  I never like games where my opponent is dictating the battle to me.  I am a firm believer that once you are reacting to your opponent you have lost.  Yes there is a level of reaction where an opponent has taken our a unit you wanted or is in your deployment zone but as a rule you should have a plan to win when you come to the table and commit to that plan.  If you start back peddling you will never catch back up to said plan and your sunk.

That being said I wanted to run my necrons with a bit more of a list that allows me to start dictating moves.  I'm not a huge fan of some of these "Gauss-n-pray" lists out there.  So after some play testing my 2K list is currently sitting as follows:


Anrakyr the Traveler = 165
  • Command Barge w/ Gauss Cannon = 80
Overlord w/ Warscythe, Mind shackle Scarabs, Phase Shifter, Sempiternal Weave = 175
  • Command Barge w/ Gauss Cannon = 80
Immortals w/ Pyrrhian Eternals & Tesla Carbines x 10 = 170
  • Necron Lord w/ Warscythe, Mind shackle Scarabs, Ress Orb = 90
Warrior (13) x 10 = 130
  • Cryptek w/ E-Lance & Solar Pulse = 55
Warrior (13) x 5 = 65
  • Cryptek w/ E-Lance & Solar Pulse = 55
Warrior (13) x 5 = 65

Fast AttacksScarab x 10 = 150
Wraith x 5 (3 Whipcoil, 1 Particle Caster, 1 Naked) = 210
Wraith x 5 (3 Whipcoil, 1 Particle Caster, 1 Naked) = 210

Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge w/ Gauss Cannon (90)
Annihilation Barge w/ Gauss Cannon (90)
Canoptek Spyder x 2 (Gloom Prism x 1)= 115

Total: 1995

The normal deployment:
  1.  Ann. Barges to find close cover (aka something to give them a 4+ while still being in a good 24" threat range. (when facing a deep strike army the 5 man warriors become bubble wrap for these 2 barges>
  2. First Wraith wall with scarabs behind for (3+ cover saves) followed by the spiders deployed in the scarab formation (this allows for spiders to keep up longer should scarabs get a good fleet roll on turn 1). 
  3. Second Wraith wall deploys in front of Command Barges.
  4. Large Warrior squad and Immortals will take up positions to push to mid field.
  5. 2 Five Man squads go in reserve for late game objective/table quarter grabbing.  also one of the solar pulse crypteks goes in a reserve team.  this way I can almost guarantee that my second pulse will still be on the table late game.  Giving me a second night fight to deny any shooting that would remove my late comer table/objective grabbers.
I normally want my opponent to go first.  I find that this puts the berserker rage into the opponents mindset and they forget their plan as the taste of first blood sinks in.  Between the cover I provide myself, protocol, ress orb and inv saves mixed with night fight from my first pulse I can mitigate, to completely ignore, my opponents first turn shooting.  Then on my bottom turn I get to put all my machinations into play.  Things start moving into that 24" fire range.  Barges start shooting/sweeping.  Wraiths prep for Turn 2 assaults on items that have over stretched from the rest of the enemies army.  And from there we see how the plans of the C'tan play out.

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