Monday, January 9, 2012

Necron Synergy Combos

So everyone is saying that Necrons are about unit synergy, and from my play testing experience I can confirm this is absolutely 100% true. Below are several combos I have used and/or heard of, if they help even one Necron Player out there then this post has been a success.

Wraith Wall: Have 5-6 Wraiths and on deployment you can give cover to your more fragile units, protecting you some from Alpha striking. Put them in front of your scarabs and you give them a 3+ cover save. Since the models are so tall, put them in front of your Command barges to give them the 4+ cover (Command barges are most vulnerable in the first turn without this as shots hitting them before they move cannot be cover saved off, wraith wall counters this weakness). Similar vein of thought put spider's behind since yes they are Monstrous but they have a low profile so Wraith give them a 4+ cover since they have no invul.

So what units aid the Wraiths? Lance-Tek's w/ Warriors (or Gauss Immortals). Rokkit or Glance-spam a vehicle so that the wraiths get more Str 6 Rending attacks on rear armor in CC. All you need is a Immobile to make a Wraith's day.

Heavy Gauss Stalkers + Heavy Destroyers:
Hit an AV 13 or 14 with the Stalker. If no joy from Stalker, then hit with Heavy Destroyers that are Twin Linked. Nothing is more irritating then watching a Lascannon miss. Feel like splurging on points pick up Zahndrekh for some Tank Hunter H-Destroyers that are Twin Linked

Zahndrekh w/ Barge + Obyron: Start on the table with Zahndrekh in a unit of Immortals (he doesn't have Phaeron, Immortals are better then Warriors for this reason). Obyron then "borrows" Zahndrekh's ride helping to negate this guy lacks an invul. An what's not to love about a Veil of Darkness moving Command Barge? Should something get to close to Zahn, Obyron and his boat can DS right in front of Zahn without scatter and put this huge blocking vehicle in the path of anyone wanting to punk Zahn.

Deathmarks + Trazyn: DS unit that wounds declared target on 2+ with Phaeron so their RF stat on their gun doesn't matter. Double tap, Charge, Trazyn's Scarabs on Serg & Obliterator on grunts, Win?...Ohh and their scoring...yeap, Win.

Writhing Worldscape C'tan + Tremor-Tek: this one seems a bit of a no-brainer. Dangerous Terrain on difficult, Staff causes difficult to a unit. However I would recommend if your going to do this take lots of Staves and put them in 5 man warrior wound units. It's only going to be effective to the army if your shutting down lots of units. C'tan + Diviner also works in this tactic but to be honest it's easily counter by reserving everything and letting the Necrons go first (assuming your army has ways of avoiding bad reserve rolls)

Rokkit-Tek x 4, Crono-tek x 1, Ghost Ark: Steal an AV 13 Ark put a court of Rokkits in it. Find the best way possible to hide 50% of the vehicle (with another Ark if you have too) Shot anything that moves. Chrono-tek re rolls
  • a single failed miss (Shooting)
  • failed pen shot, (Shooting)
  • failed Immobilize due to terrain movement (movement)
  • bad necron warrior repair roll (movement)
  • failed 4+ cover save on the Ark. (Enemy Shooting)
Harp-Tek + Deathmarks:
Have a Trygon, Tervigon, Mephiston, Ghazghull, etc.. any other OMG model with just an armor save. Harp of Dissonance the armor off. Then Double tap wounding on 2+ with no armor save. Wait for the calls for cheese.

Necron Combos that need FAQ'dSpider + Scarab: The reason it's said this needs to be FAQ'd is cause of the current "Scarab Congo Line" Tactic that is all the interweb's crazy. I personally play my Spider/Scarabs conservatively where I roll for all the spiders in the unit at once and then place the 3 spawned scarabs in 2" of the preexisting squad at once. Treating the spawn point for any spawned scarabs to be target of the preexisting scarab unit at the beginning of the turn.

Chrono-tek + Stormlord: Again I play this one conservatively in that I don't do the re-roll on if the storm turns off or not as that is done at the start of the turn before any phase, which is the only place you can use the re roll, in a phase.  That being said I still think a Chrono-tek with Stormy is good as it will allow you to re roll to see if a bolt strikes a unit, or if you do get a strike and you only roll a 1 on how many hits it takes you can re roll that as well, giving you more Str 5 hits. Use a re-roll to remove a pesky 1 on his distance roll of 2d6 for the Staff of the Destroyer. Add to that the ability to re-roll failed 2+/3+. As you can see a Chrono-tek with the Stormlord is never a bad idea, considering how many abilities he has that have "d6" involved.

Orikan the Diviner + Chrono-tek: Similar vein as Stormlord. Since Orikan'sChrono-tek allow re roll to prevent it, or prevent it from fading

Deathmark + Abyssal-tek: This one people tend to miss but imagine Deathmarks who can DS in declare a target in front of them, causing the unit to be wounded by the deathmark "unit" on a 2+. Then said unit's Cryptek lays down a flamer template that wounds on a 2+ with AP 1 , can you say "broken".

As you can see there are a lot of 1-2 punches to the codex.  Some need some clarifications from Games Workshop and hopefully we will get those soon.  The way I see it these combos and some of the model placement shenanigans the codex has to it's now is going to be what defines a winning list from one trying to hard to be a space marine with lots of units that are suppose to be powerful on thier own.

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